exh module

This module can be used to register exceptions and then raise them if a given condition is true. For example:

# exh_example.py
from __future__ import print_function
from pexdoc.exh import addex

def my_func(name):
    """ Sample function """
    # Add exception
    exobj = addex(TypeError, 'Argument `name` is not valid')
    # Conditionally raise exception
    exobj(not isinstance(name, str))
    print('My name is {0}'.format(name))
>>> import docs.support.exh_example
>>> docs.support.exh_example.my_func('Tom')
My name is Tom
>>> docs.support.exh_example.my_func(5) 
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Argument `name` is not valid

When my_func() gets called with anything but a string as an argument a TypeError exception is raised with the message 'Argument `name` is not valid'. While adding an exception with pexdoc.exh.addex() and conditionally raising it takes the same number of lines of code as an exception raised inside an if block (or less since the raise condition can be evaluated in the same pexdoc.exh.addex() call) and incurs a slight performance penalty, using the pexdoc.exh module allows for automatic documentation of the exceptions raised by any function, method or class property with the help of the pexdoc.exdoc module.

